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Dr. Adrienne Danyelle Oliver is a poet-educator, hip-hop scholar from Little Rock, Arkansas currently living in the SF Bay Area. She enjoys reflecting on and writing about intergenerational healing. Her published chapbooks, collective madness (Finishing Line Press) and the body has memories (Black Lawrence Press), include these reflections. Part poetry, part memoir, part dream, these chapbooks are the beginning of a liberation she hopes to witness among all bodies harboring historical trauma. Some of Adrienne’s favorite authors include Maya Angelou and Toni Morrison. When she is not writing, Adrienne leads well-being writing circles for Black scholars. As a writing coaching, she helps people of the global majority to heal from racial and socioeconomic trauma so they can share their stories with the world. She also curates Black Gold Storytellers, an award-winning intergenerational storytelling circle featuring elders who have migrated from the South to California.
Photo Credit: Kevin Dublin